N19 Shannon Airport Access Road
Improvement Scheme

Dept. Transport Standard 1.0

Update No. 6: (March 2021) – Phase 2 Options Selection Progress

Update No. 6: (March 2021) – Phase 2 Options Selection Progress

By Shannon Access
Thursday, 4th March 2021


Clare County Council, in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), is developing the planning and design for the N19 Shannon Airport Access Road Improvement Scheme. 

The Scheme will provide high-quality road improvements on the N19 National Primary Road between Drumgeely Roundabout and Knockbeagh Point Roundabout, on approach to Shannon International Airport. 

Clare County Council appointed Fehily Timoney & Company and Clandillon Civil Consulting Joint Venture (FTC JV) in October 2019, as the Technical Consultants to progress the Scheme through Phases 1 to 4 of the TII Project Management Guidelines.

Progress Update

Phase Two (Options Selection) of the N19 Shannon Airport Access Road Improvement Scheme is currently ongoing. A Constraints Study area has been identified for the scheme and a study has been completed to identify the nature and extent of natural and artificial constraints. A number of preliminary route corridors have been developed which take cognisance of the identified constraints. These preliminary route corridors are currently being appraised following the completion of Public Consultation No. 1 in December 2020. Notifications of the Public Consultation were by issued through Newspapers, Radio, Elected Representatives Briefing, Project Website, Local Authority Website, Twitter and Public Displays. An online Public Consultation Platform was established with twelve submissions received during the consultation period. Feedback is being considered as part of the option selection process.

A Non-Intrusive Utility Survey was undertaken during In November/December 2020.

Phase Two of the Scheme (Options Selection) consists of a three-stage process as follows:
• Stage 1 – Preliminary Options Assessment
• Stage 2 – Project Appraisal Matrix
• Stage 3 – Preferred Option

Work continues to progress in relation to finalising the Stage 1 (Preliminary Options Assessment) for the scheme which involves the assessment of the potential impacts of the options, and their relative success in achieving the project objectives, under the headings of engineering, environment and economy.

Next Steps

It is anticipated that the Stage 1 (Preliminary Options Assessment) will be completed in Q1 2021. Following completion of the Stage 1 (Preliminary Options Assessment) the options advanced from Stage 1 will be then be evaluated further in during Stage 2 (Project Appraisal Matrix). 

A tender competition is currently ongoing for appointment of a Ground Investigation Contractor. It is anticipated that this Contract will be awarded early in Q2 2021.

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