N19 Shannon Airport Access Road
Improvement Scheme

Dept. Transport Standard 1.0

Update No. 17: April 2024 - Phase 2 Options Selection Report Update

Update No. 17: April 2024 - Phase 2 Options Selection Report Update

By Shannon Access
Monday, 29th April 2024


Clare County Council is progressing the planning and design of the N19 Shannon Airport Access Road Improvement Scheme in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and the Department of Transport (DoT). The project is being managed by the Mid West National Road Design Office on behalf of Clare County Council. 

The Scheme will provide high quality road and active travel improvements on the N19 between Drumgeely Roundabout and Knockbeagh Point Roundabout. The Scheme will involve an online upgrade of the existing N19 providing new and improved bus infrastructure, upgrades to existing junctions and new high quality active travel infrastructure improving connectivity between Shannon Town, Shannon Free Zone West, Shannon International Airport and the surrounding regions.

Clare County Council appointed Fehily Timoney and Company and Clandillon Civil Consulting as the Technical Consultants to progress the Scheme through Phases 1 to 4 of the TII Project Management Guidelines.


Phase 2 Option Selection Report Progress Update

The Phase 2 Options Selection Report, Addendum and associated Appendices have completed the TII peer review and approval process and are now available at the links below;

Phase 2 Options Selection Report and Addendum
Phase 2 Options Selection Report – Appendix A
Phase 2 Options Selection Report – Appendix B
Phase 2 Options Selection Report – Appendix C
Phase 2 Options Selection Report – Appendix D
Phase 2 Options Selection Report – Appendix E


Next Steps

The project is currently at Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation). The Design will be finalised following a Peer Review Process and a final design update will be published on the project website.

The Environmental Impact Assessment Report is being progressed with a target completion by end Q2 2024.

Click for a PDF version of the Update

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